Zaptet Plays at COLAGE 20th Anniversary Event

COLAGE 20th Anniversary LogoInvited through the auspices of the San Francisco Lesbian & Gay Freedom Band, Zaptet enthusiastically entertained attendees at an event celebrating the 20th anniversary of COLAGE, a nonprofit organization supporting children of queer parents.

Zaptet at COLAGE 20th Anniversary Event

Zaptet played a diverse selection of music for the luminaries assembled at the event, after which they heard from emcee comedienne Diane Amos, who grew up with two lesbian moms and is perhaps best known as The Pine Sol Lady.

Zaptet Meets Diane Amos, the Pine Sol Lady, at COLAGE 20th Anniversary Event

Special thanks to Steven Keys, an occasional French horn player with Zaptet, who arranged two of the pieces we performed. Zaptet was recognized as a $500+ sponsor of the event.

More pictures below!